15 Reasons to Quit Smoking
1.That damn –ahem- cough.
2. Your fingers have smelled yucky for long enough.
3. Those price aren’t ever going to come down, you know.
4. The top 3 causes of death in Singapore – Cancer, Heart disease and Stroke- are all smoking related.
5. It’s never too late to quit – just eight hours after you stop, your body will be cleared of nicotine; after one week , all the side effects gone in a poof of smoke; after five years, your risk of heart disease will be the same as that of a non-smoker.
6. So that the girlfriend/wife/mother/kid/basically-anyone-who-really-cares-about-you would get off your back about it once and for all.
7. If she’s a smoker too, you’ve now given her a good reason to stop (you don’t want her to die young, do you?)
8. If your excuse is that you’ll put on the pounds after your quit, the average weight-gain quitters undergo is only 2.2kg. 2.2kg versus a slow agonizing death – not a difficult choice at all, we reckon.
9. Admit it, even smokers can’t stand being near a fellow smoker after he’s just had two in a row. And the fellow smoker? He can’t stand being near you either.
10. Dude! It’s 34 degree Celsius outside! You don’t need any more heat.
11. Smoking was cool for a while back in the 70s and 80s. Now it’s just stupid.
12. Erectile dysfunction. (Ouch.)
13. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, incuding the very toxic cyanide.
14. It’s a fact: men who smoke are 10 times more likely to suffer from lung cancer than their smoke-free counterparts.
15. If you absolutely must kill yourself slowly, there are better ways about it; even greasy burgers sound like more fun.
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