Mixed Feelings
Bad news at work today: Zul had passed away at Changi Hospital. He left behind a 2mths old baby. Pitied the baby.
Hitched a ride with Hanim to Sakura Downton East. Chung was giving him a treat for his 50th bdae which falls on Monday (19Mar) and his impending promotion to Supervisor on 01Apr07.
Yati, Sabrina, Ros, Adel, TCM, Naz, MohdNoor, Naz's uncle, Kadijah, Timothy & me went ahead first. We sat back the same place where we last had our section makan. Presented his gift to him during his makan. He appeared uneasy (blush) when Naz's uncle hugged him suddenly. LOL!
尊 had updated his blog. Finally!
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