Mundane & Boring Life: Turning Point

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Turning Point

Changed my header pic once again. Removed one of the script alert and added to top window bar instead. Also removed 尊 album's feed coz it doesn't seems to get updated correctly.

今天是我人生的转捩点。我搬家了。自己在外租了间房间。搬离這熟悉的地方,来到一个完全陌生的环境。Roughly packed some daily used items. Took cab to my new place which costs me $11.20. Tat driver damn 鸡婆, asking thousands & one questions throughout the journey. Started to rain when i reached my destination. PC was delivered by him at a later time. Bought some stuff at Shop N Save tog with Aunty Yoke.

Took some pics of my room. Will upload some other time. Johnson called earlier so he knew abt it.