So suay, discovered my new spects len's, one side was broken. Went library with SH. After finished our transactions at the library, we proceeded to makan at KFC coz the discount cpns expires today. Had a very filling dinner. Sent spect back to the shop. Will infmd me after they get price from factory. Walked arnd CS & TM. Din find any books at SANS. But managed to get 3 new ones at CS tat shop.
Happened to browse some laptops at Courts. Found one tatz value for $$$ IMO. Told the promoter tat we will consider 1st. Nua at Mac to enjoy our Chocolate milkshake while we checking out with DL. After some discussion, decided to go get tat Packard Bell lappie which comes with a All-in-One HP printer, laptop bag & extended 2 years warranty. Told them i'll collect printer some other day.
Din realise tat Maybank ATM bank cant used for NETS transaction. Tried several times, so malu. Luckily, got enuff to pay with SH's help.
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